Local Union #354 was established October 2, 1972 with the merger of the Local 302 of Charleroi, 530 of Johnstown and 478 of Greensburg. Then on August 1, 1973 three more locals merged into 354 – Local 215, Dubois; Local 260, Altoona; and Local 623, Ridgway. Old Local 720 Clearfield had been merged into Local 215 Dubois in 1947. Old Local 174 Uniontown had been merged into Local 302 Charleroi on April 1, 1969.
The membership of each local at the time of the merger was:
Local 302, Charleroi 311
Local 478, Greensburg 163
Local 530, Johnstown 232
Local 215, Dubois 73
Local 260, Altoona 123
Local 623, Ridgway 39
Total Membership 941
The jurisdiction of Local#354 takes in following counties in Western Pennsylvania: Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Fayette, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, Westmoreland and parts of Washington and Greene.
Greene County Local 354 covers the following townships in Greene County: Jefferson, Cumberland, Greene, Monongahela and Dunkard, and the extreme eastern portions of: Morgan, Whitely and Perry.
Washington County Local 354 covers the following townships in Washington County: Union, Carroll, Fallowfield, West Pike Run, East Bethlehem, and the extreme portions of: Peters, Nottingham, Somerset, Bethlehem and West Bethlehem.
Jurisdiction Map