Plumbers & Pipefitters LU #354 Health & Welfare and Pension Funds

c/o Funds Office
271 Armbrust Road, P.O. Drawer I
Youngwood, PA 15697

Health & Pension Information

The Health and Welfare Trustees have negotiated a new Health Insurance Program that went into effect on January 1, 2014.

As of this date Local 354 is now self-funded through Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield.  Plumbers and Pipefitters Local #354 Benefits Office will be available to answer any questions or concerns regarding your health care plan.  Contact Nicki Sayles


Phone: 724-925-7238


Fax: 724-925-6904

 If our Health and Welfare Plan does not cover something for your children, it might benefit you to check into the PA Chips program to see if some help may be afforded your way.


New Program:

LifeSolutions is a new program available to members and their families at NO additional cost.  All LifeSolutions  services are private and confidential.

Phone: 1-855-209-8762


Forms & Documents

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